Blue Moon, Full Moon at Sunset over San Diego City Skyline, approaching jet with headlights appearing in front of the moon.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 28753
Delicate Arch and Milky Way, lit by quarter moon, hiker's flashlight and the fading blue sky one hour after sunset. Arches National Park, Utah.
Location: Arches National Park, Utah
Image ID: 27855
Blue Moon at Sunset over San Diego City Skyline. The third full moon in a season, this rare "blue moon" rises over San Diego just after sundown.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 28754
Lunar corona, or moon halo, also known as lunar nimbus, icebow or gloriole, occurring 22 degrees around the moon. Observed during the full lunar eclipse of April 14/15 2014. Planet Mars at upper right, blue star Spica to the right of the moon.
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, California
Image ID: 29229
Blue Moon at Sunset over San Diego City Skyline. The third full moon in a season, this rare "blue moon" rises over San Diego just after sundown.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 28756
Full lunar eclipse, blood red moon, with blue star Spica (right of moon) and planet Mars (top right), over Joshua Tree National Park, April 14/15, 2014.
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, California
Image ID: 29205
Blue Moon at Sunset over San Diego City Skyline. The third full moon in a season, this rare "blue moon" rises over San Diego just after sundown.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 28752
Blue Moon at Sunset over San Diego City Skyline. The third full moon in a season, this rare "blue moon" rises over San Diego just after sundown.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 28755