Grand Prismatic Spring (left) and Excelsior Geyser (right). Grand Prismatic Spring displays a stunning rainbow of colors created by species of thermophilac (heat-loving) bacteria that thrive in narrow temperature ranges. The blue water in the center is too hot to support any bacterial life, while the outer orange rings are the coolest water. Grand Prismatic Spring is the largest spring in the United States and the third-largest in the world. Midway Geyser Basin.
Location: Midway Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Image ID: 13571
Full Moon over San Diego City Skyline, viewed from Point Loma. Mount San Miguel is in center while Lyons Peak lies to the left.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 29116
Panorama dimensions: 5261 x 18810
San Diego Convention Center Skyline and Waterfront at Sunrise. San Diego Convention Center, located in the Marina District of downtown San Diego. Built in 1989, the San Diego Convention Center offers 525,700 square feet of exhibit space. It is noted for its distinctive "sails" made of Teflon-coated fiberglass suspended over the central exhibition hall, aptly named Sails Pavilion.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 40046
Panorama dimensions: 5186 x 13999
Huge mixed schools of fish on Farnsworth Banks, Catalina Island, California. A veritable fish storm of epic proportions centered on Farnsworth Banks was experienced by divers for a few weeks in 2021.
Species: Halfmoon perch, Medialuna californiensis
Location: Catalina Island, California
Image ID: 37244
San Diego Convention Center, located in the Marina District of downtown San Diego. Built in 1989, the San Diego Convention Center offers 525,700 square feet of exhibit space. It is noted for its distinctive "sails" made of Teflon-coated fiberglass suspended over the central exhibition hall, aptly named Sails Pavilion.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 22290
Radio telescope antenna, part of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). The Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) is a system of ten radio telescopes which are operated remotely from their Array Operations Center located in Socorro, New Mexico, as a part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). These ten radio antennas work together as an array that forms the longest system in the world that uses very long baseline interferometry.
Location: Big Pine, California
Image ID: 28787
Flama de la Amistad, a statue by Leonardo Nierman. Installed in the San Diego Convention Center�s outdoor amphitheater, Flame of Friendship is a polished, stainless-steel statue set against San Diego Bay weighing 3,700 pounds and standing 20 feet tall and eight feet wide.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 26556
San Diego Convention Center and its waterfront at Night.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 36646
Star trails and Arch Rock. Polaris, the North Star, is at the center of the circular arc star trails as they pass above this natural stone archway in Joshua Tree National Park.
Location: Alabama Hills Recreational Area, California
Image ID: 27709
Aerial Panoramic Photo of Point La Jolla and La Jolla Cove, Boomer Beach, Scripps Park. Panoramic aerial photograph of La Jolla Cove and Scripps Parks (center), with La Jolla’s Mount Soledad rising above, La Jolla Shores and La Jolla Caves to the left and the La Jolla Coast with Children’s Pool (Casa Cove) to the right. The undersea reefs of Boomer Beach are seen through the clear, calm ocean waters. This extremely high resolution panorama will print 50″ high by 130″ long with no interpolation.
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 30773
Panorama dimensions: 7744 x 20541
Panoramic photo of San Diego embarcadero, showing the San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina (center), Roy's Restaurant (center) and Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel (left) viewed from the San Diego Embarcadero Marine Park.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 26568
Panorama dimensions: 4706 x 9454
Full Moon over San Diego City Skyline, San Diego Convention Center.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 36649
Milky Way over Tenaya Lake, Polly Dome (left), Tenaya Peak (center), Yosemite National Park.
Location: Yosemite National Park, California
Image ID: 31185
Panorama dimensions: 5342 x 13966
A Pacific harbor seal eyes the photographer while swimming in the shallows. This group of harbor seals, which has formed a breeding colony at a small but popular beach near San Diego, is at the center of considerable controversy. While harbor seals are protected from harassment by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and other legislation, local interests would like to see the seals leave so that people can resume using the beach.
Species: Pacific harbor seal, Phoca vitulina richardsi
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 15546
Pacific harbor seal swims in the protected waters of Childrens Pool in La Jolla, California. This group of harbor seals, which has formed a breeding colony at a small but popular beach near San Diego, is at the center of considerable controversy. While harbor seals are protected from harassment by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and other legislation, local interests would like to see the seals leave so that people can resume using the beach.
Species: Pacific harbor seal, Phoca vitulina richardsi
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 03015
Pacific harbor seal swims in the protected waters of Childrens Pool in La Jolla, California. This group of harbor seals, which has formed a breeding colony at a small but popular beach near San Diego, is at the center of considerable controversy. While harbor seals are protected from harassment by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and other legislation, local interests would like to see the seals leave so that people can resume using the beach.
Species: Pacific harbor seal, Phoca vitulina richardsi
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 03018
Three Arch Bay, Mussel Cove and Three Arch Rock, Laguna Beach Coastline, Aerial Photo. The Whale / Turtle Rock is front and center.
Location: Laguna Beach, California
Image ID: 38149
Panorama dimensions: 5292 x 13407
Aerial View of the San Rafael Reef, Utah. This is a canyon-like section of the San Rafael Reef, photographed at sunrise. The "reef proper" is on the right, with its characteristic triangular flatiron erosion. The canyon in the center is a fold in the Earth's crust affiliated with the boundary of the San Rafael Swell. The colors seen here arise primarily from Navajo and Wingate sandstone.
Location: Utah
Image ID: 39497
Panorama dimensions: 4490 x 8439
Aerial Panorama of La Jolla, University City, showing (from left) University of California at San Diego, University City, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla Shores, Point La Jolla, Mount Soledad, in the background some of the mountains to the east of San Diego. The highest peak in the center of the panoram is Cuyamaca Peak (6512') while the rocky peak directly in front of it is El Cajon Mountain (3675').
Image ID: 29098
Panorama dimensions: 3881 x 20864
The Galactic Center of the Milky Way galaxy rises in the sky on a clear night.
Location: Milky Way Galaxy, The Universe
Image ID: 25246
Star trails and Arch Rock. Polaris, the North Star, is at the center of the circular arc star trails as they pass above this natural stone archway in Joshua Tree National Park.
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, California
Image ID: 26794
Male North Pacific humpback whale streams a trail of bubbles. The primary male escort whale (center) creates a curtain of bubbles underwater as it swims behind a female (right), with other challenging males trailing behind in a competitive group. The bubbles may be a form of intimidation from the primary escort towards the challenging escorts.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Maui, Hawaii
Image ID: 05968
Sunrise Dawns over San Diego Harbor, Mount San Miguel in center, Mount Lyons to the left, and Harbor Island in the foreground. Viewed from Point Loma.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 39828
Panorama dimensions: 5594 x 12109
Downtown San Diego Skyline and Waterfront at Sunrise. Panoramic photo of San Diego embarcadero, showing the San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina (center) and Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel (left).
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 40047
Panorama dimensions: 5585 x 15076
San Diego City Skyline at Sunset, viewed from Point Loma, panoramic photograph. The mountains east of San Diego can be clearly seen when the air is cold, dry and clear as it is in this photo. Lyons Peak is in center and the flanks of Mount San Miguel to the right.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 37502
San Diego City Skyline at Sunset, viewed from Point Loma, panoramic photograph. The mountains east of San Diego can be clearly seen when the air is cold, dry and clear as it is in this photo. Lyons Peak is in center and Mount San Miguel to the right.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 37504
San Diego City Skyline at Sunset, viewed from Point Loma, panoramic photograph. The mountains east of San Diego can be clearly seen when the air is cold, dry and clear as it is in this photo. Lyons Peak is in center and Mount San Miguel to the right.
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 37505
Snow-covered Mount San Gorgonio, seen beyond Double Peak Park in San Marcos, viewed from Mount Soledad in La Jolla, on an exceptionally clear winter day. Double Peak is about 20 miles away while the San Bernardino Mountains are about 90 miles distant. In the foreground are UCSD (University of California at San Diego, left), Veterans Administration Hospital (center) and Scripps La Jolla Medical Center (right).
Image ID: 37589
Panorama dimensions: 5467 x 16110
Snow-covered Mount San Gorgonio,viewed from Double Peak Park in San Marcos, on an exceptionally clear winter day.
Image ID: 37598
Panorama dimensions: 7282 x 26267
Morning Glory Pool has long been considered a must-see site in Yellowstone. At one time a road brought visitors to its brink. Over the years they threw coins, bottles and trash in the pool, reducing its flow and causing the red and orange bacteria to creep in from its edge, replacing the blue bacteria that thrive in the hotter water at the center of the pool. The pool is now accessed only by a foot path. Upper Geyser Basin.
Location: Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Image ID: 13352