Brilliantly colored orange and pink anthias fishes, schooling in strong ocean currents next to the coral reef which is their home. Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Pseudanthias
Location: Bligh Waters, Fiji
Image ID: 34903
Spectacularly colorful dendronephthya soft corals on South Pacific reef, reaching out into strong ocean currents to capture passing planktonic food, Fiji.
Species: Dendronephthya soft coral, Dendronephthya
Location: Bligh Waters, Fiji
Image ID: 34905
Anthias fishes school in strong currents above hard and soft corals on a Fijian coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Pseudanthias
Location: Bligh Waters, Fiji
Image ID: 34906
Anthias fishes school in strong currents above hard and soft corals on a Fijian coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Pseudanthias
Location: Bligh Waters, Fiji
Image ID: 34907
Plexauridae sea fan or gorgonian on coral reef. This gorgonian is a type of colonial alcyonacea soft coral that filters plankton from passing ocean currents.
Species: Gorgonian, Gorgonacea
Location: Bligh Waters, Fiji
Image ID: 34909
Anthias fishes school in strong currents above hard and soft corals on a Fijian coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Pseudanthias
Location: Bligh Waters, Fiji
Image ID: 34930
Anthias fishes school in strong currents above hard and soft corals on a Fijian coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Pseudanthias
Location: Bligh Waters, Fiji
Image ID: 34988