Adelie penguins, nesting, part of the enormous colony on Paulet Island, with the tall ramparts of the island and clouds seen in the background. Adelie penguins nest on open ground and assemble nests made of hundreds of small stones.
Species: Adelie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae
Location: Paulet Island, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica
Image ID: 25024
Gentoo penguin coming ashore, after foraging at sea, walking through ocean water as it wades onto a sand beach. Adult gentoo penguins grow to be 30" and 19lb in size. They feed on fish and crustaceans. Gentoo penguins reside in colonies well inland from the ocean, often formed of a circular collection of stones gathered by the penguins.
Species: Gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua
Location: New Island, Falkland Islands, United Kingdom
Image ID: 23842
Gentoo penguin coming ashore, after foraging at sea, walking through ocean water as it wades onto a sand beach. Adult gentoo penguins grow to be 30" and 19lb in size. They feed on fish and crustaceans. Gentoo penguins reside in colonies well inland from the ocean, often formed of a circular collection of stones gathered by the penguins.
Species: Gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua
Location: New Island, Falkland Islands, United Kingdom
Image ID: 23843