Colorful anemones and soft corals, bryozoans and kelp cover the rocky reef in a kelp forest near Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Strait. Strong currents bring nutrients to the invertebrate life clinging to the rocks.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Image ID: 34328
Colorful anemones and soft corals, bryozoans and kelp cover the rocky reef in a kelp forest near Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Strait. Strong currents bring nutrients to the invertebrate life clinging to the rocks.
Species: Giant plumose anemone, Metridium farcimen
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Image ID: 34332
Colorful anemones and soft corals, bryozoans and kelp cover the rocky reef in a kelp forest near Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Strait. Strong currents bring nutrients to the invertebrate life clinging to the rocks.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Image ID: 34333
Sea grass in motion, shallow water. Browning Pass, Vancouver Island.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Image ID: 35290
Colorful starfish (sea stars) cling to the reef, covered with invertebrate life. Browning Pass, Vancouver Island.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Image ID: 35293
Mussels gather on a rocky reef, filtering nutrients from passing ocean currents. Browning Pass, Vancouver Island.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Image ID: 35297
Shallow water reef with coniferous forest hanging over the water, Browning Pass, Vancouver Island.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Image ID: 35304
Starfish cling to a rocky reef, surrounded by other colorful invertebrate life. Browning Pass, Vancouver Island.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Image ID: 35326
White metridium anemones fed by strong ocean currents, cover a cold water reef teeming with invertebrate life. Browning Pass, Vancouver Island.
Species: Plumose anemone, Metridium senile
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Image ID: 35333
Anemones are found in abundance on a spectacular British Columbia underwater reef, rich with invertebrate life. Browning Pass, Vancouver Island.
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Image ID: 35336