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Common Dolphin Breaching the Ocean Surface, Delphinus delphis, San Diego, California
Common Dolphin Breaching the Ocean Surface.
Species: Common dolphin, Delphinus delphis
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 34236  
Bridalveil Falls at sunset, with clouds and blue sky in the background. Bridalveil Falls in Yosemite drops 620 feet (188 m) from a hanging valley to the floor of Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California
Bridalveil Falls at sunset, with clouds and blue sky in the background. Bridalveil Falls in Yosemite drops 620 feet (188 m) from a hanging valley to the floor of Yosemite Valley.
Location: Bridalveil Falls, Yosemite National Park, California
Image ID: 34540  
Canyon X, a spectacular slot canyon near Page, Arizona.  Slot canyons are formed when water and wind erode a cut through a (usually sandstone) mesa, producing a very narrow passage that may be as slim as a few feet and a hundred feet or more in height
Canyon X, a spectacular slot canyon near Page, Arizona. Slot canyons are formed when water and wind erode a cut through a (usually sandstone) mesa, producing a very narrow passage that may be as slim as a few feet and a hundred feet or more in height.
Location: Page, Arizona
Image ID: 36009  
Owl Canyon, a beautiful slot canyon that is part of the larger Antelope Canyon system. Page, Arizona, Navajo Tribal Lands
Owl Canyon, a beautiful slot canyon that is part of the larger Antelope Canyon system. Page, Arizona.
Location: Navajo Tribal Lands, Page, Arizona
Image ID: 36030  
Belt of Venus and Earth Shadow at Dawn. The Belt of Venus is actually alpenglow visible near the horizon during twilight, above the antisolar point. Like alpenglow, the backscatter of reddened sunlight also creates the Belt of Venus. Unlike alpenglow, the sunlight scattered by fine particulates that cause the rosy arch of the Belt shines high in the atmosphere and lasts for a while after sunset or before sunrise, La Jolla, California
Belt of Venus and Earth Shadow at Dawn. The Belt of Venus is actually alpenglow visible near the horizon during twilight, above the antisolar point. Like alpenglow, the backscatter of reddened sunlight also creates the Belt of Venus. Unlike alpenglow, the sunlight scattered by fine particulates that cause the rosy arch of the Belt shines high in the atmosphere and lasts for a while after sunset or before sunrise.
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 37476  
Young California Sea Lion Pup Looks at the Underwater Camera That Is Taking Its Photograph, in the Coronado Islands, Baja, Mexico. In this shallow cobblestone-strewn cove, sea lions often chase zebra perch two of which are seen in the background, Zalophus californianus, Coronado Islands (Islas Coronado)
Young California Sea Lion Pup Looks at the Underwater Camera That Is Taking Its Photograph, in the Coronado Islands, Baja, Mexico. In this shallow cobblestone-strewn cove, sea lions often chase zebra perch two of which are seen in the background.
Species: California sea lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: Coronado Islands (Islas Coronado), Baja California, Mexico
Image ID: 39962  
Tracy Meets a South Pacific Humpback Whale Calf Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia. Interspecies diplomacy, Megaptera novaeangliae
Tracy Meets a South Pacific Humpback Whale Calf Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia. Interspecies diplomacy.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France
Image ID: 40620  
South Pacific Humpback Whale Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia, Megaptera novaeangliae
South Pacific Humpback Whale Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France
Image ID: 40636  
Inquisitive Calf South Pacific Humpback Whale Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia, Megaptera novaeangliae
Inquisitive Calf South Pacific Humpback Whale Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France
Image ID: 40643  
South Pacific Humpback Whale Underwater, showing all-white underside of the fluke and ventral caudal stem, Moorea, French Polynesia, Megaptera novaeangliae
South Pacific Humpback Whale Underwater, showing all-white underside of the fluke and ventral caudal stem, Moorea, French Polynesia.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France
Image ID: 40647  
Inquisitive Calf South Pacific Humpback Whale Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia, Megaptera novaeangliae
Inquisitive Calf South Pacific Humpback Whale Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France
Image ID: 40650  
South Pacific Humpback Whales and Short Finned Pilot Whales Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia, Megaptera novaeangliae, Globicephala macrorhynchus
South Pacific Humpback Whales and Short Finned Pilot Whales Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia.
Species: Humpback whale, Shortfin pilot whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, Globicephala macrorhynchus
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France
Image ID: 40652  
South Pacific Humpback Whales Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia, Megaptera novaeangliae
South Pacific Humpback Whales Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France
Image ID: 40661  
Mother, Calf and Escort South Pacific Humpback Whales Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia, Megaptera novaeangliae
Mother, Calf and Escort South Pacific Humpback Whales Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France
Image ID: 40679  
Sea lion scratches its back on underwater stones, Zalophus californianus, Sea of Cortez
Sea lion scratches its back on underwater stones.
Species: California sea lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: Sea of Cortez, Baja California, Mexico
Image ID: 31243  
Adult male humpback whale singing, suspended motionless underwater.  Only male humpbacks have been observed singing.  All humpbacks in the North Pacific sing the same whale song each year, and the song changes slightly from one year to the next, Megaptera novaeangliae, Maui
Adult male humpback whale singing, suspended motionless underwater. Only male humpbacks have been observed singing. All humpbacks in the North Pacific sing the same whale song each year, and the song changes slightly from one year to the next.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Maui, Hawaii
Image ID: 02794  
Humpback whale competitive group, underwater, swimming quickly and one trailing a stream of bubbles, Megaptera novaeangliae, Maui
Humpback whale competitive group, underwater, swimming quickly and one trailing a stream of bubbles.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Maui, Hawaii
Image ID: 02854  
Large competitive group of humpback whales seen underwater, Megaptera novaeangliae, Maui
Large competitive group of humpback whales seen underwater.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Maui, Hawaii
Image ID: 04462  
Adult male humpback whale bubble streaming underwater.  The male escort humpback whale seen here is emitting a curtain of bubbles as it swims behind a mother and calf.  The bubble curtain may be meant as warning or visual obstruction to other nearby male whales interested in the mother, Megaptera novaeangliae, Maui
Adult male humpback whale bubble streaming underwater. The male escort humpback whale seen here is emitting a curtain of bubbles as it swims behind a mother and calf. The bubble curtain may be meant as warning or visual obstruction to other nearby male whales interested in the mother.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Maui, Hawaii
Image ID: 05928  
North Pacific humpback whales, part of a larger competitive group of humpbacks, Megaptera novaeangliae, Maui
North Pacific humpback whales, part of a larger competitive group of humpbacks.
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Maui, Hawaii
Image ID: 05946  
Royal tern in flight, Thalasseus maximus, adult nonbreeding plumage, breaking waves in the background, La Jolla, Sterna maxima, Thalasseus maximus
Royal tern in flight, Thalasseus maximus, adult nonbreeding plumage, breaking waves in the background, La Jolla.
Species: Royal tern, Sterna maxima, Thalasseus maximus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 39772  
Royal tern in flight, Thalasseus maximus, adult nonbreeding plumage, breaking waves in the background, La Jolla, Sterna maxima, Thalasseus maximus
Royal tern in flight, Thalasseus maximus, adult nonbreeding plumage, breaking waves in the background, La Jolla.
Species: Royal tern, Sterna maxima, Thalasseus maximus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 39773  
A brown pelican preening, reaching with its beak to the uropygial gland (preen gland) near the base of its tail. Preen oil from the uropygial gland is spread by the pelican's beak and back of its head to all other feathers on the pelican, helping to keep them water resistant and dry. Adult winter breeding plumage, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus, La Jolla, California
A brown pelican preening, reaching with its beak to the uropygial gland (preen gland) near the base of its tail. Preen oil from the uropygial gland is spread by the pelican's beak and back of its head to all other feathers on the pelican, helping to keep them water resistant and dry. Adult winter breeding plumage.
Species: Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 40020  
Male Brandt's Cormorant Skypointing, Courtship Display, Breeding Plumage with blue throat and a few white pin-feathers, La Jolla. Skypointing is an interesting courtship behavior that many birds practice. Among Brandt's Cormorants the male performs this, likely as a way of attracting a mate to the nest he has built by showing off his striking blue throat. He tips his head backward showing off his striking blue throat, and partially raises his wings. Seen here on seacliffs above the ocean, Phalacrocorax penicillatus
Male Brandt's Cormorant Skypointing, Courtship Display, Breeding Plumage with blue throat and a few white pin-feathers, La Jolla. Skypointing is an interesting courtship behavior that many birds practice. Among Brandt's Cormorants the male performs this, likely as a way of attracting a mate to the nest he has built by showing off his striking blue throat. He tips his head backward showing off his striking blue throat, and partially raises his wings. Seen here on seacliffs above the ocean.
Species: Brandt's cormorant, Phalacrocorax penicillatus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 40133  
Heermann's Gulls in Flight with Ocean Background, Larus heermanni, La Jolla, California
Heermann's Gulls in Flight with Ocean Background.
Species: Heermann's Gull, Larus heermanni
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 40164  
Royal Tern in flight, adult breeding plumage with black head cap, sea lions and waves in the background, Sterna maxima, Thalasseus maximus, La Jolla, California
Royal Tern in flight, adult breeding plumage with black head cap, sea lions and waves in the background.
Species: Royal Tern, Sterna maxima, Thalasseus maximus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 40181  
A perfect Brown Pelican Head Throw with Distant Ocean in Background, bending backwards, stretching its neck and gular pouch, winter adult breeding plumage coloration, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus, La Jolla, California
A perfect Brown Pelican Head Throw with Distant Ocean in Background, bending backwards, stretching its neck and gular pouch, winter adult breeding plumage coloration.
Species: Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 40252  
Common Dolphin Leaping, Breaching the Ocean Surface, Delphinus delphis, San Diego, California
Common Dolphin Leaping, Breaching the Ocean Surface.
Species: Common dolphin, Delphinus delphis
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 40604  
Newborn Baby Common Dolphin Leaping. This tiny newborn dolphin is so young embryonic folds are still visible on its sides, Delphinus delphis, San Diego, California
Newborn Baby Common Dolphin Leaping. This tiny newborn dolphin is so young embryonic folds are still visible on its sides.
Species: Common dolphin, Delphinus delphis
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 40606  
Sunset on the Del Mar Bluffs and Train Tracks, with North County coastline. The highest peaks in the distance are Santiago Peak and Modjeska Peak, the pair commonly known as Saddleback
Sunset on the Del Mar Bluffs and Train Tracks, with North County coastline. The highest peaks in the distance are Santiago Peak and Modjeska Peak, the pair commonly known as Saddleback.
Location: Del Mar, California
Image ID: 37604  
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