Search results for nudibranch

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Isla Angel de la Guarda, Aerial Photo, Sea of Cortez, Mexico.  This offshore pinnacle near Isla de la Guarda island offers spectacular underwater scenery along with a slew of nudibranchs. Guardian Angel island is part of the Midriff Islands in Mexico's Sea of Cortez
Isla Angel de la Guarda, Aerial Photo, Sea of Cortez, Mexico. This offshore pinnacle near Isla de la Guarda island offers spectacular underwater scenery along with a slew of nudibranchs. Guardian Angel island is part of the Midriff Islands in Mexico's Sea of Cortez.
Location: Isla Angel de la Guarda, Baja California, Mexico
Image ID: 40328  
Panorama dimensions: 4142 x 9616
Nudibranch, Rose Atoll National Wildlife Sanctuary
Location: Rose Atoll National Wildlife Sanctuary, American Samoa
Image ID: 00704  
California sea cucumber.  Sea cucumbers are related to sea stars and sea urchins. The sharp looking spines are soft to the touch and disappear into the skin when disturbed. If this visual defense doesnt work, the sea cucumber will expel its respiratory system. When this occurs in the wild it can regrow the lost organs, Parastichopus californicus
California sea cucumber. Sea cucumbers are related to sea stars and sea urchins. The sharp looking spines are soft to the touch and disappear into the skin when disturbed. If this visual defense doesnt work, the sea cucumber will expel its respiratory system. When this occurs in the wild it can regrow the lost organs.
Species: California sea cucumber, Parastichopus californicus
Image ID: 13732  
California sea cucumber.  Sea cucumbers are related to sea stars and sea urchins. The sharp looking spines are soft to the touch and disappear into the skin when disturbed. If this visual defense doesnt work, the sea cucumber will expel its respiratory system. When this occurs in the wild it can regrow the lost organs, Parastichopus californicus
California sea cucumber. Sea cucumbers are related to sea stars and sea urchins. The sharp looking spines are soft to the touch and disappear into the skin when disturbed. If this visual defense doesnt work, the sea cucumber will expel its respiratory system. When this occurs in the wild it can regrow the lost organs.
Species: California sea cucumber, Parastichopus californicus
Image ID: 13733  
Pelagic opisthobranch or pteropod (wing foot), open ocean, Corolla calceola, San Diego, California
Pelagic opisthobranch or pteropod (wing foot), open ocean.
Species: Pteropod, Corolla calceola
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 01264  
Pelagic opisthobranch or pteropod (wing foot), open ocean, Corolla calceola, San Diego, California
Pelagic opisthobranch or pteropod (wing foot), open ocean.
Species: Pteropod, Corolla calceola
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 02490  
California sea cucumber detail, Parastichopus californicus, San Diego
California sea cucumber detail.
Species: California sea cucumber, Parastichopus californicus
Location: San Diego, California
Image ID: 00607  
Eolid nudibranch (prob Hermissenda),  San Miguel Island
Eolid nudibranch (prob Hermissenda), San Miguel Island.
Location: San Miguel Island, California
Image ID: 01065  
Nudibranch, Hermissenda crassicornis, San Miguel Island
Species: Opalescent nudibranch, Hermissenda crassicornis
Location: San Miguel Island, California
Image ID: 01066  
Nudibranch, Dendronotus albus, San Miguel Island
Species: Dendronotus albus nudibranch, Dendronotus albus
Location: San Miguel Island, California
Image ID: 01067  
Nudibranch egg mass, Monterey, California
Nudibranch egg mass.
Location: Monterey, California
Image ID: 02515  
Nudibranch egg mass, Monterey, California
Nudibranch egg mass.
Location: Monterey, California
Image ID: 02516  
Nudibranch egg mass, San Clemente Island
Nudibranch egg mass.
Location: San Clemente Island, California
Image ID: 02517  
Nudibranch, Triopha catalinae, San Miguel Island
Species: Clown nudibranch, Triopha catalinae
Location: San Miguel Island, California
Image ID: 02518  
Navanax nudibranch, Islas San Benito, Navanax aenigmaticus, San Benito Islands (Islas San Benito)
Navanax nudibranch, Islas San Benito.
Species: Navanax aenigmaticus
Location: San Benito Islands (Islas San Benito), Baja California, Mexico
Image ID: 04591  
Nudibranch, Islas San Benito, Tambja fusca, San Benito Islands (Islas San Benito)
Nudibranch, Islas San Benito.
Species: Tambja fusca nudibranch, Tambja fusca
Location: San Benito Islands (Islas San Benito), Baja California, Mexico
Image ID: 04594  
Aeolid nudibranch, Flabellina trilineata, San Miguel Island
Aeolid nudibranch.
Species: Aeolid nudibranch, Flabellina trilineata
Location: San Miguel Island, California
Image ID: 05286  
Nudibranch, Dendronotus, San Miguel Island
Species: Dendronotus nudibranch, Dendronotus
Location: San Miguel Island, California
Image ID: 05287  
Dorid nudibranch with eggs, San Diego, Diaulula sandiegensis
Dorid nudibranch with eggs, San Diego.
Species: San diego dorid, Diaulula sandiegensis
Location: California
Image ID: 05312  
Nudibranch San Miguel Island, Doriopsilla albopunctata
Nudibranch San Miguel Island.
Species: Doriopsilla albopunctata nudibranch, Doriopsilla albopunctata
Location: San Miguel Island, California
Image ID: 05313  
Nudibranch on calcareous coralline algae, Hermissenda crassicornis, Monterey, California
Nudibranch on calcareous coralline algae.
Species: Opalescent nudibranch, Hermissenda crassicornis
Location: Monterey, California
Image ID: 00641  
Sea lemon, Diaulula nobilis
Sea lemon.
Species: Sea lemon, Diaulula nobilis
Location: California
Image ID: 01940  
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