Fish Anatomy photos

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Chinook salmon (or King salmon), juvenile, 1 year old, raised in a tank for eventual release into the wild.  This fish will live to about 5 or 6 years before returning to the stream in which it was hatched to spawn and die, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Chinook salmon (or King salmon), juvenile, 1 year old, raised in a tank for eventual release into the wild. This fish will live to about 5 or 6 years before returning to the stream in which it was hatched to spawn and die.
Species: Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Image ID: 13686  
Chinook salmon (or King salmon), juvenile, 1 year old, raised in a tank for eventual release into the wild.  This fish will live to about 5 or 6 years before returning to the stream in which it was hatched to spawn and die, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Chinook salmon (or King salmon), juvenile, 1 year old, raised in a tank for eventual release into the wild. This fish will live to about 5 or 6 years before returning to the stream in which it was hatched to spawn and die.
Species: Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Image ID: 13687  
Chinook salmon (or King salmon), juvenile, 1 year old, raised in a tank for eventual release into the wild.  This fish will live to about 5 or 6 years before returning to the stream in which it was hatched to spawn and die, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Chinook salmon (or King salmon), juvenile, 1 year old, raised in a tank for eventual release into the wild. This fish will live to about 5 or 6 years before returning to the stream in which it was hatched to spawn and die.
Species: Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Image ID: 13688  
Sailfin sculpin, Nautichthys oculofasciatus
Sailfin sculpin.
Species: Sailfin sculpin, Nautichthys oculofasciatus
Image ID: 13703  
Sailfin sculpin, Nautichthys oculofasciatus
Sailfin sculpin.
Species: Sailfin sculpin, Nautichthys oculofasciatus
Image ID: 13704  
Emperor angelfish, juvenile coloration, Pomacanthus imperator
Emperor angelfish, juvenile coloration.
Species: Emperor angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator
Image ID: 13742  
Emperor angelfish, juvenile coloration, Pomacanthus imperator
Emperor angelfish, juvenile coloration.
Species: Emperor angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator
Image ID: 13743  
Emperor angelfish, juvenile coloration, Pomacanthus imperator
Emperor angelfish, juvenile coloration.
Species: Emperor angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator
Image ID: 13744  
Emperor angelfish, juvenile coloration, Pomacanthus imperator
Emperor angelfish, juvenile coloration.
Species: Emperor angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator
Image ID: 13745  
Palette surgeonfish, Paracanthurus hepatus
Palette surgeonfish.
Species: Palette surgeonfish, Paracanthurus hepatus
Image ID: 13746  
Electric eel.  Like other members of the South American knifefish family, the electric eel relies on electrolocation to navigate in find food in murky water.  However, its electric organs are more powerful than its relatives, allowing it to produce sufficiently high voltage pulses to stun predators and prey, Electrophorus electricus
Electric eel. Like other members of the South American knifefish family, the electric eel relies on electrolocation to navigate in find food in murky water. However, its electric organs are more powerful than its relatives, allowing it to produce sufficiently high voltage pulses to stun predators and prey.
Species: Electric eel, Electrophorus electricus
Image ID: 13989  
Juvenile sheephead wrasse, Semicossyphus pulcher
Juvenile sheephead wrasse.
Species: California sheephead wrasse, Semicossyphus pulcher
Image ID: 14001  
A small (2 inch) sanddab is well-camouflaged amidst the grains of sand that surround it, Citharichthys
A small (2 inch) sanddab is well-camouflaged amidst the grains of sand that surround it.
Species: Sanddabs, Citharichthys
Image ID: 14004  
A small (2 inch) sanddab is well-camouflaged amidst the grains of sand that surround it, Citharichthys
A small (2 inch) sanddab is well-camouflaged amidst the grains of sand that surround it.
Species: Sanddabs, Citharichthys
Image ID: 14005  
Speckled sanddab, which can alter its color and pattern to better camoflage itself against the sandy bottom on which it lies, Citharichthys stigmaeus
Speckled sanddab, which can alter its color and pattern to better camoflage itself against the sandy bottom on which it lies.
Species: Speckled sanddab, Citharichthys stigmaeus
Image ID: 14498  
Speckled sanddab, which can alter its color and pattern to better camoflage itself against the sandy bottom on which it lies, Citharichthys stigmaeus
Speckled sanddab, which can alter its color and pattern to better camoflage itself against the sandy bottom on which it lies.
Species: Speckled sanddab, Citharichthys stigmaeus
Image ID: 14499  
Juvenile lionfish, Pterois miles
Juvenile lionfish.
Species: Lionfish, Pterois miles
Image ID: 14505  
Lionfish, Pterois miles
Species: Lionfish, Pterois miles
Image ID: 14506  
Lionfish, Pterois miles
Species: Lionfish, Pterois miles
Image ID: 14507  
Lionfish, Pterois miles
Species: Lionfish, Pterois miles
Image ID: 14508  
Lionfish, Pterois miles
Species: Lionfish, Pterois miles
Image ID: 14509  
Lionfish, Pterois miles
Species: Lionfish, Pterois miles
Image ID: 14510  
Speckled sanddab, which can alter its color and pattern to better camoflage itself against the sandy bottom on which it lies, Citharichthys stigmaeus
Speckled sanddab, which can alter its color and pattern to better camoflage itself against the sandy bottom on which it lies.
Species: Speckled sanddab, Citharichthys stigmaeus
Image ID: 14554  
Lionfish, Pterois miles
Species: Lionfish, Pterois miles
Image ID: 14700  
A small (2 inch) sanddab is well-camouflaged amidst the grains of sand that surround it, Citharichthys
A small (2 inch) sanddab is well-camouflaged amidst the grains of sand that surround it.
Species: Sanddabs, Citharichthys
Image ID: 14935  
A small (2 inch) sanddab is well-camouflaged amidst the grains of sand that surround it, Citharichthys
A small (2 inch) sanddab is well-camouflaged amidst the grains of sand that surround it.
Species: Sanddabs, Citharichthys
Image ID: 14937  
A small (2 inch) sanddab is well-camouflaged amidst the grains of sand that surround it, Citharichthys
A small (2 inch) sanddab is well-camouflaged amidst the grains of sand that surround it.
Species: Sanddabs, Citharichthys
Image ID: 14938  
Juvenile sheephead wrasse, Semicossyphus pulcher
Juvenile sheephead wrasse.
Species: California sheephead wrasse, Semicossyphus pulcher
Image ID: 14944  
A small 2-inch sanddab is well-camoflaged against the grains of sand that surround it, Citharichthys
A small 2-inch sanddab is well-camoflaged against the grains of sand that surround it.
Species: Sanddabs, Citharichthys
Image ID: 21523  
A small 2-inch sanddab is well-camoflaged against the grains of sand that surround it, Citharichthys
A small 2-inch sanddab is well-camoflaged against the grains of sand that surround it.
Species: Sanddabs, Citharichthys
Image ID: 21524  
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All photographs copyright © Phillip Colla /, all rights reserved worldwide.