Reindeer on South Georgia Island. Reindeer (known as caribou when wild) were introduced to South Georgia Island by Norway in the early 20th Century. There are now two distinct herds which are permanently separated by glaciers.
Species: Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus
Location: Fortuna Bay, South Georgia Island
Image ID: 24679
Hercules Bay, with icebreaker M/V Polar Star at anchor, below the steep mountains of South Georgia Island.
Location: Hercules Bay, South Georgia Island
Image ID: 24553
Shackleton Falls, named for explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, formed from glacial meltwaters, near Stromness Bay.
Location: Stromness Harbour, South Georgia Island
Image ID: 24612
Shackleton Falls, named for explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, formed from glacial meltwaters, near Stromness Bay.
Location: Stromness Harbour, South Georgia Island
Image ID: 24636