When I am on the water, I am always looking for pleasing ways to portray interesting light on water. See my Ocean and Light stock photo gallery for some of my favorite photos showing light and ocean water.
I'm gradually updating my web site, which has not seen any real improvements since about 2005 (when I added a blog). The "galleries" are now formatted somewhat better and include much more recent images. First up: Man and Ocean, stock photography of the many way man works and plays in…
See my most recent set of New Work or go back in time to see what I was shooting in New Work - June 2011. I just added some new images from Joshua Tree National Park to my stock photography archive. Take a look at a selection of my Joshua…
I made a spur-of-the-moment trip with Garry McCarthy to do some night-time photography. We were pretty sleep-deprived by the time we were done, jacked up on coffee and then having to drive several hours home as the sun was just rising, but I managed to make four or five images…