All Posts By

Phil Colla


Eric’s New Board

My friend Eric had a couple of my wave photos laminated onto his custom new board. Eric brought it by this morning before he waxed it so we could get a look at how the images came out. The board looks awesome. The bottom image will end up being mostly…
March 7, 2014
Beautiful Views of San DiegoCalifornia

Oceanside Pier Photos

The Oceanside Municipal Pier is located at the end of Mission Avenue in Oceanside, California. The area has a bit of a gritty look to it but don't let that dissuade you from visiting, the Oceanside Pier is frequented by families, surfers, dog walkers, locals, fishermen and tourists day and…
March 1, 2014
Islas CoronadoMexicoUnderwater Life

Whales at the Coronado Islands, Mexico

Whales visit the Coronado Islands in Mexico throughout the year. During winter months, gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) pass by the islands, first southbound and a few months later traveling north, during their annual migration between Baja California and the Bering Sea. Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus)…
February 12, 2014
MexicoSea of Cortez

Medano Beach Sunrise, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Medano Beach, the beautiful long sand beach fronting the bay of Cabo San Lucas, can be crowded and busy with tourists, but I found that it was peaceful and quiet each morning. Sunrise on Medano Beach, on the coast of Cabo San Lucas, MexicoImage ID: 28948Location: Cabo San Lucas, Baja…
January 24, 2014
New Work

New Work – January 2014

October 2013 through January 2014 took my cameras and me around San Diego for sunrise scenes as well as up into the sky around Cabo San Lucas and over gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) during their southern migration off the coast of Southern California. Below are a few of my favorites…
January 23, 2014

Ghost Cormorant

A cormorant speeds home to its nest in the La Jolla seacliffs, flying just above the waves. Shot long before sunrise, this image is blurred from the long time the shutter was open.
January 1, 2014