2024 brought very little diving around Southern California but instead surprised us with an array of new experiences and photo subjects. We managed to check off several bucket list items as well as a cross-town move and a cross-country road trip with a puppy. Locally, I did a little diving at Catalina and the usual fall dives with sea lion pups in the Coronado Islands. As for large animals: Tracy and I spent many seasons in the 90s working with humpback whales in Hawaii but at that time she was on the permit only for topside work and could not enter the water, so we finally fixed that in September in warm Polynesian waters. For good measure we added a week in Baja with the friendly gray whales (the photos are unremarkable and none made this year’s list). Over the summer we sold one home and bought another – the latter needing considerably more work than we planned — so I did not spend as much time hiking in the mountains or diving over the summer as hoped but those places will be there next year. I took a quick trip to Florida in the spring to try my hand at bird photography, had a good time and learned a lot for next time. Lastly, while I have dived many of the islands along both sides of Baja California from the border south to Clipperton over the past 36 years, I had yet to visit those in the northern Sea of Cortez. That has now been remedied after a week in the Midriff Islands.
This is the 18th year I have done an annual photography retrospective. My favorite images of the past year are below, roughly in chronological order. Click each image to go big. My goal for any one year is always to shoot 3-4 world-class images and 10-15 portfolio-quality images. If you like these feel free to check out previous years’ favorites as well: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007. Cheers and thanks for looking!
California sea lion surfing in a wave at La Jolla Cove, San Diego.
Image ID: 40232
Species: California Sea Lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: La Jolla, California
Whimbrel Foraging Amidst Spring Wildflowers on Coast Walk, La Jolla.
Image ID: 40256
Species: Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus
Location: La Jolla, California
Spring Wildflowers Bloom in an Colorful Bouquet in Anza Borrego Desert State Park. Dune evening primrose (white) is mixed with sand verbena (purple) near Henderson Canyon Road, Spring 2024. Sunrise light barely illuminating the flowers.
Image ID: 40271
Species: Dune evening primrose, Sand verbena, Oenothera deltoides, Abronia villosa
Location: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Borrego Springs, California
California sea lions surfing in a wave at La Jolla Cove, San Diego.
Image ID: 40488
Species: California sea lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: La Jolla, California
The bright orange garibaldi fish, California's state marine fish.
Image ID: 40512
Species: Garibaldi, Hypsypops rubicundus
Location: Catalina Island, California
Giant kelpfish in underwater kelp forest, Catalina Island.
Image ID: 40523
Species: Giant kelpfish, Heterostichus rostratus
Location: Catalina Island, California
Wood Stork in flight, Mycteria americana.
Image ID: 40562
Species: Wood Stork, Mycteria americana
Location: Harley Davidson Rookery, Brandon, Florida
Sanderling, Calidris alba, Fort De Soto, Florida.
Image ID: 40574
Species: Sanderling, Calidris alba
Location: Fort De Soto Park, St. Petersburg, Florida
Burrowing owl, Cape Coral, Florida, subspecies Athene cunicularia floridana. This 10-inch-tall burrowing owl is standing beside its burrow. These burrows are usually created by squirrels, prairie dogs, or other rodents and even turtles, and only rarely dug by the owl itself.
Image ID: 40585
Species: Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia floridana, Athene cunicularia
Location: Cape Coral, Florida
A mother California sea lion and her pup, underwater at the Coronado Islands, Mexico. Mothers and pups spend much time together with the mother teaching her young padawan learner how to pursue prey.
Image ID: 40729
Species: California sea lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: Coronado Islands (Islas Coronado), Baja California, Mexico
Young California Sea Lions at Play Underwater in the Coronado Islands, Mexico. Pups spend much of their time playing with one another in the water, strengthening their swimming skills and mock jousting.
Image ID: 40738
Species: California sea lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: Coronado Islands (Islas Coronado), Baja California, Mexico
A mother California sea lion (right) and her pup (left), underwater at the Coronado Islands, Mexico. Mothers and pups spend much time together with the mother teaching her young padawan learner how to pursue prey.
Image ID: 40739
Species: California sea lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: Coronado Islands (Islas Coronado), Baja California, Mexico
Huge California Sea Lion Male Underwater, a bull, patrolling his breeding harem and territory, Coronado Islands, Mexico. His sagittal crest, the bony bump on his head that distinguishes adult male sea lions, is clearly seen.
Image ID: 40761
Species: California sea lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: Coronado Islands (Islas Coronado), Baja California, Mexico
Huge California Sea Lion Male Underwater, a bull, patrolling his breeding harem and territory, Coronado Islands, Mexico. His sagittal crest, the bony bump on his head that distinguishes adult male sea lions, is clearly seen.
Image ID: 40761
Species: California sea lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: Coronado Islands (Islas Coronado), Baja California, Mexico
Barrier Reef around Moorea Island, French Polynesia. Cook's Bay to the left, Opunohu Bay to the right. The outer reef slope is seen adjacent to deep blue oceanic water with white waves breaking against the reef edge. Next, a wide shallow reef flat occurs dotted with coral bommies. Inside of that, a shallow protected lagoon is formed against the island. Tall, rugged, eroded mountains are seen hinting at the age of the ancient volcano that originally formed the island and that is now sinking back down, leaving the encircling reef behind.
Image ID: 40673
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France

Inquisitive Calf South Pacific Humpback Whale Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia.
Image ID: 40638
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France

South Pacific Humpback Whales Underwater, Moorea, French Polynesia. A short-finned pilot whale photo-bombs.
Image ID: 40655
Species: Humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia, France