

Exciting new initiatives in photography? Pushing the envelope? Outside my comfort zone? Bah, just a load of feel-good jargon nonsense ... Once again, I am not sure what I am doing. See the photos below as evidence. This is about as far removed from underwater film photography (which is where…
April 8, 2009
AlaskaBald Eagle

Bald Eagle on the Beach, Alaska

See the new bald eagle photos. This adult bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was observed foraging for bits of food in a shallow tidal stream on a broad sand beach. The bits of white in the air are snowflakes -- it was a wet snow and made the eagle look pretty…
April 6, 2009
AlaskaBald EagleIcons

Bald Eagle Landing, Alaska

See the new bald eagle photos. A large group of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was gathered on the snow-covered ground when periodically another eagle would arrive, in flight, and join the group by skimming just over their heads, slowing with wings outstretched, finding a suitable spot amid the crush, and…
April 5, 2009
AlaskaBald Eagle

Two Bald Eagles on a Perch, Alaska

See the new bald eagle photos. There were several perches that the bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) would use each morning. The broad wooden perches could typically accomodate several eagles each. In this image the eagle on the left, which has been on the perch for a while, throws its head…
April 4, 2009
AlaskaBald Eagle

Two Bald Eagles in Flight, Alaska

See the new bald eagle photos. Having over 200 bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nearby would seem to make it easy to gather a variety of photos. But I was tempted to shoot the same few compositions repeatedly and had to make an effort to look for different compositions and angles…
April 3, 2009

Economic Recovery Plan for Photographers

This is an exciting time to be a photographer in America! Just a few days after Inauguration, the Obama Administration quietly created the Presidential Digital Imaging and Photography Commission. This blue ribbon panel of industry experts was tasked with devising market incentives, rather than bailouts, for the photography industry, in…
April 1, 2009
AlaskaBald EagleWildlife

Bald Eagle and Kenai Mountains, Alaska

See the new bald eagle photos. During two of the mornings that I was in Homer, I was fortunate to be inside Jean Keane's yard as the bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) gathered to eat herring. This was quite something, to be so close to so many eagles. Unnatural perhaps, as…
March 31, 2009
AlaskaBald EagleWildlife

Juvenile Bald Eagle, Alaska

See the new bald eagle photos. This is a juvenile bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). The speckled brown and white coloration is highly variable among juvenile bald eagles which can sometimes resemble golden eagles. It is typically not until the fourth year that juveniles mature and assume the characteristic brown body…
March 30, 2009
AlaskaBald EagleWildlifeWisdom

Photographing Bald Eagles in Homer, Alaska

Photographing Bald Eagles in Homer AK -- What Worked and What Didn't Bald eagle in flight, banking over beach with Kachemak Bay in background. Image ID: 22613 Species: Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis Location: Kachemak Bay, Homer, Alaska, USA If you have seen much of this web site,…
March 29, 2009

Kenai Mountains and Kachemak Bay, Alaska

I was up north in Homer, Alaska to photograph bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), but I grabbed a couple landscape shots of the beautiful Kenai Mountains, which lie across Kachemak Bay from the Homer Spit. This was my view one morning, after the clouds and snow had cleared out leaving blue…
March 25, 2009
AlaskaBald EagleWildlife

Flip Flops

Bald eagle in flight, sidelit, cloudy sky and Kenai Mountains in the background.Image ID: 22596Species: Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensisLocation: Kachemak Bay, Homer, Alaska, USA OK, I've been running since I was thirteen. That's 32 years of running. I'm not a skinny guy, which means I've been pounding…
March 13, 2009
AlaskaBald EagleWildlife

Secondary Inspection

Bald eagle, closeup of head and shoulders showing distinctive white head feathers, yellow beak and brown body and wings.Image ID: 22582Species: Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensisLocation: Kachemak Bay, Homer, Alaska, USA Going to try my hand at photographing some bald eagles in the cold. Up at 4am, shower,…
March 12, 2009
Antelope CanyonArizonaLandscapeSlot CanyonsThe American SouthwestThe WaveUtahWisdom

Photographing Antelope Canyon, The Wave, Buckskin Gulch and Horseshoe Bend

I have been fortunate to visit and photograph a few of the iconic locations around Page, Arizona: The Wave, Antelope Canyon, Buckskin Gulch, Horseshoe Bend and Monument Valley. Recently, I shared some correspondance about these places with another photographer whom I originally met at Brooks River a few years ago.…
March 11, 2009

Propeller Wound on Florida Manatee

Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus) are often struck and injured by boats, in spite of laws intended to slow the passage of boats in areas inhabited by the slow-moving mammals. Manatees tend to rest below the surface, holding their breath, and surface without warning when they need to breathe. A boater…
March 9, 2009
HawaiiHumpback WhaleWildlife

Boat Strikes Humpback Whale

Some years ago, when I was assisting Dr. Dan Salden and Hawaii Whale Research Foundation during whale seaon in Hawaii, we came across a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) not far from Lahaina that showed considerable scarring, almost certainly from a boat strike. The most likely explanation for the series of…
March 8, 2009
Galapagos DiariesMarine Life

Marine Iguana, Galapagos

Skip found a marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) foraging on algae while we were freediving along the edge of Bartolome Island, and I got a shot of it, the only one I've ever seen in the Galapagos Islands underwater: Marine iguana, underwater, forages for green algae that grows on the lava…
March 5, 2009
Galapagos DiariesMarine Life

Bigeye Jacks, Galapagos

On our 2006 trip to the Galapagos Islands, we had some very good diving at Darwin Island: hammerheads, silky sharks and spotted eagle rays galore on the shoulder of the reef, with more than a few Galapagos fur seals, turtles and various schools of fish closer to shore. At the…
March 4, 2009
Galapagos Diaries

Juvenile Frigate Bird, Galapagos

On the final day of our 1996 trip (my first) to the Galapagos Islands, we made a morning visit to North Seymour island. (Many Galapagos visitors walk ashore on North Seymour, it is one of the popular land visits due to its proximity to the airport on Baltra.) Uncertain that…
March 3, 2009
Galapagos DiariesMarine Life

Schooling Fish, Galapagos

On our 1998 trip, Tracy and I bumped into these schooling snappers while diving at Albany, one of the better dive sites in the central Galapagos Islands. Schooling fish, Albany.Image ID: 02032Location: James Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador See more schooling fish photos and Galapagos Islands photos.
March 2, 2009
Galapagos Diaries

Photo of Orange Cup Coral, Galapagos

On my first full day in the Galapagos Islands, in 1996, we made three great dives at Champion, Enderby and Devil's Crown. I was on overload all day, surrounded by schools of fish and groups of Galapagos sea lions. After all that diving, plus a visit to Floreana to see…
March 1, 2009
CaliforniaSan Diego

Tijuana River Pollution, San Diego

The Tijuana River Valley, which skirts the U.S. - Mexico border, has a huge pollution problem. The Tijuana River, which passes through Tijuana before crossing into the United States, collects huge amounts of trash and debris with each winter's storms. The plastic bottles, cans, tires, garbage bags, clothes, and sewage…
February 27, 2009
Galapagos Diaries

Galapagos Sea Lion, Cousins Rock

The last time I dove Cousins Rock, one of the finer dive sites in the Galapagos Islands, I was set up to photograph sea horses. I rarely shoot macro, but on this trip I was burned out from two weeks of diving and swimming long distances (the currents are strong…
February 25, 2009
Galapagos Diaries

Galapagos Sea Lion Pup

Of all marine animals -- I have seen many different kinds, large and small -- the most appealing to me are pinnipeds (sea lions, fur seals, seals). Here is one, a cute little Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus californianus wollebacki) pup photographed on North Seymour Island just a few yards away…
February 24, 2009
Galapagos Diaries

Photo of a Magnificent Frigatebird, Galapagos

One of the great surprises I had the first time I visited the Galapagos Islands was how much I enjoyed the bird life there. Seabirds seabirds everywhere! The most enjoyable to watch are the frigatebirds (Fregata sp.). Pirates of the air and sea, frigatebirds don't catch their own food, rather…
February 23, 2009

Geothermal Power Generation Plant, Imperial County

If one is along the southern or eastern sides of the Salton Sea, one simply cannot miss the plumes of steam that are released from the several geothermal power generation plants that are there. These facilities tap the heat that resides deep in the Earth's crust to produce electricity. A…
February 22, 2009

Burrowing Owl, Salton Sea

My friend Jim Campbell told me about a nest of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) he found near the Salton Sea. So while I was driving around out there, I went by to see if I could find them. I honestly didn't think I would find any. Yet there they were,…
February 21, 2009

Bombay Beach, Salton Sea

Bombay Beach is a small community on the edge of the Salton Sea. When I say "on the edge", I mean literally, to the point that the community is in danger of being flooded if the water level in the Salton Sea rises even just a few feet. In spite…
February 20, 2009
CaliforniaThe American Southwest

Salvation Mountain

I recently made a trip out to Anza Borrego Desert State Park to take a look at how the wildflowers are developing there. I arrived at sunrise and took a look at a few of the spots I go to for flowers to see what was blooming and what is…
February 19, 2009
Blue Whale

Blue Whale Photo in National Geographic Magazine

I am very fortunate to have one of my blue whale photos (Balaenoptera musculus) appear in the March 2009 issue of National Geographic Magazine. It is an image of a whale's dorsal ridge and fluke, taken underwater, in the "Inside Geographic" section near the end of the magazine which describes…
February 18, 2009

Atascadero Hills

The rolling hills of Atascadero, decorated with power transmission lines and signal towers, sunrise. Hills between Morro Bay and Atascadero, early morning light, power transmission lines and signal attenae.Image ID: 22222Location: Morro Bay, California, USA
February 17, 2009
Beautiful Views of San DiegoCaliforniaSan Diego

Coast Highway 101

The Coast Highway, also known as Highway 101 or Coast Blvd, is one of the gems of San Diego County. It takes on somewhat different names as it passes through the beachside communities of La Jolla, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas and Carlsbad. It passes spectacular ocean views, funky cafes…
February 13, 2009