La JollaSurf

La Jolla Cove Big Surf, Saturday January 14, 2023

La Jolla Cove was breaking with big surf this morning, Saturday January 14, 2023. La Jolla Cove does not break often. It was larger last week but this morning was still big. I photographed until about 11am and then left before the rain arrived.  There were about a thousand people…
January 15, 2023

Royal Terns in La Jolla, Sterna maxima

I've got a couple places in La Jolla that I go to to photograph animals or seabirds. Lately, one of those spots has had many Royal Terns (Sterna maxima).  These images illustrate both non-breeding plumage (which is distinguished by the tern's black head cap only covering the back of the…
December 29, 2022
Pelicans of La JollaSeabird

Pelican Yoga, Winter 2022/2023, Part III

When photographing the birds in La Jolla, lately I have found myself trying to capture their bizarre contortions and realized these birds are the original yoga practitioners!  (When brown pelicans bend their head backward to their back it is usually as a part of preening, so that the preen oil…
December 24, 2022