Harrison A. "Skip" Stubbs, Ph.D.
Marine Videography

Marine videographer Harrison A. 'Skip' Stubbs videotaping Galapagos sea lion, Atlantic spotted dolphin, ocean sunfish, manta ray and Northern elephant seal.

Harrison A. "Skip" Stubbs is a freelance marine videographer, specializing in marine mammals (whales, dolphins, seals and sea lions), marine predators and animal inhabitants of Eastern Pacific islands.  Dr. Stubbs' credits include Tokyo Broadcasting System (Japan), Discovery Channel (USA, Canada, International), NHK (Japan), Welt der Wunder (Germany) and the BBC (UK).  Dr. Stubbs is available for assignment.

Keywords: marine videography, underwater videography, digital video, marine mammal videography, whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, sharks, rays, fish, natural history, Galapagos Archipelago, Cocos Island, Guadalupe Island, California, Mexico, pelagic, offshore, open ocean, kelp forest, coral reef.

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