When Clark’s Grebes and Western Grebes Walk on Water – The Courtship Behavior of Rushing Grebes

By March 24, 2025Birds

I am making a concerted effort this spring to photograph the rushing behavior of Clark’s Grebes (Aechmophorus clarkii) and Western Grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis). I have seen plenty of grebes “walking on water” (rushing) as part of their elaborate array of courtship behaviors and have wanted to produce really top quality images of this spectacular behavior.  In particular, this year I am trying to make uncropped** highly-detailed images of fully upright grebes rushing side-by-side perfectly lit by sun at my back as well as in silhouette with the sun illuminating all the droplets of water from behind.  I want good images illustrating the “dip-shaking” and “ratchet-pointing” behaviors the bird pairs usually exhibit in association with rushing.  And I want top-quality images of mixed-species rushes in which a Western Grebe and a Clark’s Grebe pair off and rush together even though they are technically different species (albeit quite similar and occasionally interbreeding).

**I will add that one of the challenges here is self-imposed: I do not crop my images much. This is a disadvantage if I compare my images to others as much bird photography on social media is cropped severely in order to make the subject large in the frame.  I have a different approach and prefer to produce richly detailed high-resolution images suitable for big printing or display. Severe cropping also lessens the publication potential of the image, not a concern to most photographers in this day of dwindling magazine and calendar markets but I still pursue editorial publication of my work and have to keep that in mind.  The result is that I need to hand-hold a giant lens on a small boat and wait for those occasions, sometimes few, when the behavior for which I am looking occurs close enough to my boat that it fills the frame of the camera naturally.

Two Western Grebes Walk on Water. Grebe rushing, a courtship behavior, happens when the birds slap the lake surface up to 20 times per second, literally running across the water, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Two Western Grebes Walk on Water. Grebe rushing, a courtship behavior, happens when the birds slap the lake surface up to 20 times per second, literally running across the water.
Image ID: 40887
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Extreme closeup view of a Western Grebe as it rushes, running across the water as part of an elaborate courtship behavior, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Extreme closeup view of a Western Grebe as it rushes, running across the water as part of an elaborate courtship behavior.
Image ID: 40841
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

When grebes “walk on water” it is known as “rushing”. Roughly speaking (I am not a bird expert or wildlife biologist), rushing among grebes is a courtship behavior, observed early in a breeding season when solitary grebes are seeking a mate as well as between established nesting pairs as the season continues. My belief is that there is a competitive element to it as if two grebes are attempting to impress one another or prove their prowess to a prospective mate while competing with a group of courting candidates.  When grebes rush, they typically first meet and execute “dip-shaking”  and/or “ratchet-pointing”.  Both of these behaviors occur with the birds facing one another, sometimes so close that their beaks nearly touch.  Dip-shaking involves one bird dipping its beak or head into the water then lifting it out of the water and shaking it, throwing water about.  One bird observes the other dip-shaking, then the roles are reversed.  Ratchet-pointing involves both birds assuming a very low posture in the water, pointing their beaks at one another and appearing to look each other in the eye, perhaps raising their crests and often emitting a ratchet-like vocalization.  Several rounds of dip-shaking and ratchet-pointing may occur, each lasting a few seconds.  It seems to me the birds are communicating something and in the process deciding whether they will rush or not.

Clark's Grebes Dip Sharking, a courtship behavior in which the grebes face each other and alternate dipping their beaks in the water and shaking their head, tossing water into the air. Coupled with ratchet-pointing, several rounds of dip-shaking are often an immediate precursor to rushing, Aechmophorus clarkii, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Clark's Grebes Dip Sharking, a courtship behavior in which the grebes face each other and alternate dipping their beaks in the water and shaking their head, tossing water into the air. Coupled with ratchet-pointing, several rounds of dip-shaking are often an immediate precursor to rushing.
Image ID: 40888
Species: Clark's Grebe, Aechmophorus clarkii
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Clark's Grebes Ratchet Pointing, a courtship behavior in which the grebes assume a low facing position in the water, point beaks at one another and emit a ratchet-like sound. Coupled with dip-shaking, several rounds of ratchet pointing is often an immediate precursor to rushing, Aechmophorus clarkii, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Clark's Grebes Ratchet Pointing, a courtship behavior in which the grebes assume a low facing position in the water, point beaks at one another and emit a ratchet-like sound. Coupled with dip-shaking, several rounds of ratchet pointing is often an immediate precursor to rushing.
Image ID: 40891
Species: Clark's Grebe, Aechmophorus clarkii
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Western Grebes Ratchet Pointing, a courtship behavior in which the grebes assume a low facing position in the water, point beaks at one another and emit a ratchet-like sound. Coupled with dip-shaking, several rounds of ratchet pointing is often an immediate precursor to rushing, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Western Grebes Ratchet Pointing, a courtship behavior in which the grebes assume a low facing position in the water, point beaks at one another and emit a ratchet-like sound. Coupled with dip-shaking, several rounds of ratchet pointing is often an immediate precursor to rushing.
Image ID: 40893
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

The prelude behaviors of ratchet-pointing and dip-shaking serve as “tells” that a rush may be imminent. Rushing doesn’t always occur — sometimes the birds simply pair off and swim calmly away after ratchet-pointing.  But when they do rush, it usually follows some incarnation of those two prelude activities.  When they suddenly erupt from the water into a rush, they synchronously propel themselves forward and up with an extremely rapid beat of their webbed feet, up to 20 beats per second.  Side-by-side they run across the water for as long as 6-7 seconds and 60 feet (20m) before settling back down into the water.

One can watch grebes and will surely, eventually, learn to hear the vocalizations and spot ratchet-pointing and dip-shaking.  I am however rather slow when it comes to birds so I sought help, spending several mornings out on the lakes near my home in San Diego over the past few years with Brian Caldwell. Brian is a skilled and fun professional guide and photographer who lives near Lake Hodges and has been studying the natural history of these grebes for many years.  He is also highly knowledgable about the environmental issues, especially the topic of water use in San Diego’s reservoirs, a surprisingly complex subject, that impact the grebes and their ability to nest and rear young. If you want to photograph these birds and have never done so, Brian can improve your odds of success immensely.  In addition to leaning on Brian’s guiding, I have spent quite a few mornings alone in a small boat looking for glassy water, good early light and courting birds in an effort to produce good images.  It’s a tranquil way to start the day.  Here are some of my favorites of this year’s efforts.  Cheers, and thanks for looking!

Two Western Grebes in a Spectacular Rush Across the Surface of Lake Wohlford. Rushing is a courtship behavior among grebes and requires the aquatic birds to step as rapidly as 20 beats per second to walk across water in this way. Simply amazing, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Escondido, California

Two Western Grebes in a Spectacular Rush Across the Surface of Lake Wohlford. Rushing is a courtship behavior among grebes and requires the aquatic birds to step as rapidly as 20 beats per second to walk across water in this way. Simply amazing.
Image ID: 40866
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Clark's Grebes rushing side by side, a spectacular courtship behavior in which the aquatic birds literally run on the surface of the water while slapping their feet up to 20 times per second, Aechmophorus clarkii, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Clark's Grebes rushing side by side, a spectacular courtship behavior in which the aquatic birds literally run on the surface of the water while slapping their feet up to 20 times per second.
Image ID: 40842
Species: Clark's Grebe, Aechmophorus clarkii
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

An unusual mixed-species pair of grebes rushing, Western Grebe on left and Clark's Grebe on right. In this spectacular courtship behavior, the grebes beat their feet so rapidly they literally run over the surface of the water, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Aechmophorus clarkii, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

An unusual mixed-species pair of grebes rushing, Western Grebe on left and Clark's Grebe on right. In this spectacular courtship behavior, the grebes beat their feet so rapidly they literally run over the surface of the water.
Image ID: 40848
Species: Western Grebe, Clark's Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Aechmophorus clarkii
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Western Grebe Rushing, Running Across Water, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Western Grebe Rushing, Running Across Water.
Image ID: 40844
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Extreme closeup view of a Western Grebe as it rushes, running across the water as part of an elaborate courtship behavior, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Extreme closeup view of a Western Grebe as it rushes, running across the water as part of an elaborate courtship behavior.
Image ID: 40845
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Two Western Grebes Walk on Water, Rushing, Backlit by the Rising Sun. Grebe rushing, a courtship behavior, happens when the birds slap the lake surface up to 20 times per second, literally running across the water, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Two Western Grebes Walk on Water, Rushing, Backlit by the Rising Sun. Grebe rushing, a courtship behavior, happens when the birds slap the lake surface up to 20 times per second, literally running across the water.
Image ID: 40890
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

An unusual mixed-species pair of grebes rushing, Western Grebe on right and Clark's Grebe on left. In this spectacular courtship behavior, the grebes beat their feet so rapidly they literally run over the surface of the water, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Aechmophorus clarkii, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

An unusual mixed-species pair of grebes rushing, Western Grebe on right and Clark's Grebe on left. In this spectacular courtship behavior, the grebes beat their feet so rapidly they literally run over the surface of the water.
Image ID: 40849
Species: Western Grebe, Clark's Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Aechmophorus clarkii
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Hook the Western Grebe with a fishing hook embedded in the back side of his head, Lake Wohlford, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Escondido, California

Hook the Western Grebe with a fishing hook embedded in the back side of his head, Lake Wohlford.
Image ID: 40852
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Two Western Grebes Walk on Water. Grebe rushing, a courtship behavior, happens when the birds slap the lake surface up to 20 times per second, literally running across the water, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Two Western Grebes Walk on Water. Grebe rushing, a courtship behavior, happens when the birds slap the lake surface up to 20 times per second, literally running across the water.
Image ID: 40892
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Western Grebes rushing across Lake Wohlford, exhibiting a spectacular courtship behavior in which the aquatic birds literally run across the surface of the water while their feet hit the water up to 20 times per second, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Escondido, California

Western Grebes rushing across Lake Wohlford, exhibiting a spectacular courtship behavior in which the aquatic birds literally run across the surface of the water while their feet hit the water up to 20 times per second.
Image ID: 40859
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Western Grebes rushing across Lake Wohlford, exhibiting a spectacular courtship behavior in which the aquatic birds literally run across the surface of the water while their feet hit the water up to 20 times per second, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Escondido, California

Western Grebes rushing across Lake Wohlford, exhibiting a spectacular courtship behavior in which the aquatic birds literally run across the surface of the water while their feet hit the water up to 20 times per second.
Image ID: 40843
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Courting Western Grebes, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Courting Western Grebes.
Image ID: 40895
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Clark's Grebe on Lake Wohlford, Aechmophorus clarkii, Escondido, California

Clark's Grebe on Lake Wohlford.
Image ID: 40850
Species: Clark's Grebe, Aechmophorus clarkii
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Western Grebes rushing across Lake Wohlford, exhibiting a spectacular courtship behavior in which the aquatic birds literally run across the surface of the water while their feet hit the water up to 20 times per second, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Escondido, California

Western Grebes rushing across Lake Wohlford, exhibiting a spectacular courtship behavior in which the aquatic birds literally run across the surface of the water while their feet hit the water up to 20 times per second.
Image ID: 40853
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Hook the Western Grebe with a fishing hook embedded in the back side of his head, Lake Wohlford, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Escondido, California

Hook the Western Grebe with a fishing hook embedded in the back side of his head, Lake Wohlford.
Image ID: 40856
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Courting Clark's Grebes on Lake Wohlford, Aechmophorus clarkii, Escondido, California

Courting Clark's Grebes on Lake Wohlford.
Image ID: 40858
Species: Clark's Grebe, Aechmophorus clarkii
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Two Western Grebes Walk on Water. Grebe rushing, a courtship behavior, happens when the birds slap the lake surface up to 20 times per second, literally running across the water, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Two Western Grebes Walk on Water. Grebe rushing, a courtship behavior, happens when the birds slap the lake surface up to 20 times per second, literally running across the water.
Image ID: 40894
Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

Courting Clark's Grebes on Lake Wohlford, Aechmophorus clarkii, Escondido, California

Courting Clark's Grebes on Lake Wohlford.
Image ID: 40864
Species: Clark's Grebe, Aechmophorus clarkii
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California

About Phil Colla

I am a natural history photographer. I enjoy making compelling images in the ocean, on land, and in the air. I have maintained the Natural History Photography blog since 2005 and my searchable Natural History Photography Library since 1997. Here are some tear sheets and behind the scenes views. Thanks for looking!