Courting Western Grebes Rush Across Lake Wohlford, Aechmophorus occidentalis

Western Grebes rushing across Lake Wohlford, exhibiting a spectacular courtship behavior in which the aquatic birds literally run across the surface of the water while their feet hit the water up to 20 times per second. Escondido, California, USA, Aechmophorus occidentalis, natural history stock photograph, photo id 40853
Western Grebes rushing across Lake Wohlford, exhibiting a spectacular courtship behavior in which the aquatic birds literally run across the surface of the water while their feet hit the water up to 20 times per second. Escondido, California, USA

This image is featured in: When Clark's Grebes and Western Grebes Walk on Water - The Courtship Behavior of Rushing Grebes

Species: Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis
Location: Lake Wohlford, Escondido, California
Image ID: 40853
Format: Digital 10:16
Copyright © Phillip Colla /, all rights reserved worldwide.
This professional quality stock photo can be licensed in high resolution form by contacting the photographer: Phillip Colla,, (760) 707-7153, more info and photographer bio.